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Community Services Block Grant

Provides funds to alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty in communities throughout the United States. 

CSBG Funding

The Community Services Block Grant supports projects, as shown in the pie chart on the right, that: 

  • Lessen poverty in communities

  • Address the needs of low-income individuals including the homeless, migrants, and the elderly. 

  • Provide services and activities addressing employment, education, better use of available income, housing, nutrition, emergency services, and health. 

Pie chart graphic showing percentages of Community Service Block Grant funding

Community Action Agencies (CAAs)

In addition, discretionary grants are available at the statewide or local level, or for associations with demonstrated expertise in addressing the needs of low-income families, such as Community Action Agencies (CAAs).

Supplemental Food and Utility

As a matter of helping those in poverty better utilize their resources, the Council provides CSBG funded supplemental food and utility assistance to those in need. 

Recipients must prove income eligibility.  This assistance is funded by the Community Services Block Grant revenue and provides the opportunity for the poor to achieve dignity on their way toward self-sufficiency.

CSBG & CAAs Working Together 

With the support of CSBG funding, states and CAAs work together to achieve the following goals for low-income individuals:

  • Increased self-sufficiency

  • Improved living conditions

  • Ownership of and pride in their communities

  • Strong family and support systems

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Working together, agencies increase their capacity to achieve results.

Working together, agencies increase their capacity to achieve results. Partnerships among supporters and providers of services play a large role in the successful implementation of CSBG grants.

  • The Care Coordinator will help to coordinate the health, education, and nutritional care for the RFTS eligible pregnant mother and her infant."
    The RFTS Regional Care Coordinator provides follow-up and coordination on all newborn Hearing Screening referrals, offers RFTS care cooordination to all eligible infants. They will also: Complete assessment and PRSI/Alternate Entry, if necessary, to identify barriers to a healthy care outcome. Develop service care plan with client using the RFTS Service Care Plan. Arrange intervention, meeting identified needs. Make home visits and client contact according to policy. Follow a standardized recording system for documenting client care. Reassess and revise service care plan as needed. Update medical provider of mother's progress/change in service care plan as needed. Send required information to Regional Care Coordinator serving the client. Arrange for/participates in interdisciplinary/interagency problem/service care plan meeting for problem clients to determine the appropriate agency to serve as primary case manager and to assign service care plan responsibilities. Coordinates/ Monitors with other program providing care management to infants such as Birth to Three Projects, and or child with Special Health Needs. Referral of client into appropriate case management system at time of closure/ or at risk are determined. At or near care closure, complete Outcome Measures form and forward to RCC.
  • The Care Coodinator will help to increase the pregant woman, her infant, and the family's knowledge regarding the importance of quality self and health care"
    The RFTS Coordinator will also: Plan with the client for perinatal care/pediatric care. Plan with the client for participation in WIC for nutritional needs, counseling and food supplements. Model and teach problem solving skills. Plan with the mother for receiving a postpardum exam and family planning services. Plan with the client for support system. Plan with the child for receiving well child visits and immunization services.
  • The Care Coordinator will advocate for primary needs of the family.
    Primary needs include, but are not limited to, food, shelter, safety, crisis intervention, transportation assistance, and child care. They will also: Advocate for the child in the community. Intervene immediately when mother or child is in unsafe environment. Intervene in times of crisis. (Exception: for incidents of child abuse/neglect. These must be reported by telephone to Child Protective Services, the Child Abuse Hotline, or local DHHR office.
  • The Care Coordinator will use appropriate referral and follow-up procedures to acquire necessary resources for the mother and her infant.
    The RFTS Coordinator will also: Establish cooperative agreements and contracts for referral on the local level. Coordinate services for all disciplines. Communicate with medical care providers.Refer very low birth weight, preterm infants' parent to SSI. (if not referred by hospital at birth.) Monitor receipt of services.

For more information about being the Community Services Block Grant, contact:

Heather Mullins, Director of Community Services 
P: (304) 436-6800

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